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AMR® (Abacus Mortgage)

The AMR® (Abacus Mortgage) Product Suite includes a robust, proven mortgage lending and consumer lending loan origination software system. Used by financial institutions throughout the United States , the business applications offer the following mortgage related functionality:

Loan Ledger

1003 Data Entry

Capture of HMDA Information

Production of GFE and TIL Disclosures

Viewing and Printing Amortization

Mortgage Insurance Plans

1008 Data Capture

Section 32 Calculations


Loan Registration and Locking

Product Verification

Automatic Assignment of Loan Number


Automated Underwriting Interfaces

Tracking Underwriting Conditions

Credit Information Matching

Ratio Analysis


Closing Instructions

HUD-1 Settlement Statement

Aggregate Escrow Analysis

Closing Package Generation

AMR Toolkit

The AMR® Product Suite includes a user-friendly toolkit environment for customization of the business application. The business analyst is the targeted user. Our goal has always been to put the power of system maintenance, modification and customization in the hands of our customers. We do not believe that a customer has to rely on a vendor to modify their business rules. With AMR, it is a full GUI client/server development environment that is used to develop web-based applications. It contains many components to help developers create a full featured product including:

Application definition

Definition of modules developed around business functions

Application-specific data and data filter design

Screen design

Form set definition and forms mapping
Easy-to-use scripting for modules, forms and screens
Easy data transfer between modules
Plug-in interface for 3rd-party software

User-definable menus at the application and module level

Event scheduling
Security setup
User definition
Edit list maintenance

Vendor interfacing and integration through Pervasive's Data Integrator (formerly) Data Junction

Custom Reporting using Crystal Reports